Tuesday, July 31, 2007


2 days in a row i cannot sleep, bahhh!!! Toss and turn till my pillow's super hot, now i really cant take it so im ranting on this post.

Finally managed to clear the whole backlog of work that I could have done in 1 day but sat on it for a week. A project is in the pipeline and i've finally got meaningful research to do. I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins again after 4 weeks of existing. But its a little too late as this internship is drawing to a close.

Reflecting back, this internship has been much of a blessing, in spite of all the times ive complained about it. It allowed me a glimpse of a small part of the merger and acquisition deal process; revealed the lack of work-life balance of the Transactions department; reinforced my desire not to work in the Big 4 accounting firms(for now at least). Also got to know a great bunch of colleagues who took time to coach and teach me, and working with them was a real joy. The end is in sight and its been an ardous 15 weeks, jolly glad its finally ending.

Looking forward to my holidays: Perhentian Islands next week and Cambodia in 3 weeks time. Think the break should do me some good and hopefully i dont contract dengue along the way.

I WANT TO SLEEP!!!! Think i should wean myself of double espressos for this week at least.

Hmm on an random endnote, i really enjoyed the movie Insomnia.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hooked on a Feeling

I cant stop this feeling deep inside of me....


Monday, July 16, 2007

Honouring Parents

I guess my realtionship with my parents like most others has its fair share of ups and downs. Sometimes home gets plain unliveable when i clash with my folks. There are days when im so thankful for them and on others i really feel like moving out and asserting my independence. But i guess at the end of the day we do love each other much and like Paul says love covers over a multitude of wrongs.

Today i was challenged to respond during youth service on making a commitment to honour my parents. As i did so, God began to heal my pain and hurts that had accumulated over the years and i feel a great sense of liberation and peace. I guess this goes down as one of the great things God has done in my life as the emotional and spiritual work that God today did was so deep and complete. I truly thank God for today and giving my a fresh perspective on how to approach my relationship with my parents.

But over and above this, i hear God's desire for me to strengthen my relationship with Him as ive been to caught up with everything else. I sense God reminding me that my ministry doesnt matter to Him if we arent close, that the being is more important than the doing. Its something im learning to do and i hope that in the days to come my walk with him and my understanding of him will deepen.

Am going to take the next week or two to pause and reflect on the past half in preparation for the second. Theres so much i wish and want to do, but somehow i cant seem to get around to doing it right, especially in the area of RL-ing. Am alsoe reevaluating my service next year and Im praying for direction and opening in the area of establishing a form of Christian education/leadership training structure in RAGE, to build and equip a new generation of leaders. We shall see where God leads then.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wherever You Will Go


The song is playing. It was great. Thank you and God bless in the years to come.

My Daily Scoop

Hung out with Sam and Caleb after YA today and we went over to his house to watch Live Earth which was really crappy and a couple of hilarious South Park episodes about the environment and World of Warcraft.

The highlight of the evening was really over ice cream and waffles. We walked out to The Daily Scoop and had lychee martini, brandied fig and honey and warm waffles with kookie monster ice cream, and my customary double espresso. The ice cream was really good haha and we had a good talk about stuff. Stuff like drinking, girls, school etc made me feel young again ahahha. But it was good hanging out and just chilling man with you 2 (if you're reading this Sam and Caleb) and I hope that you guys will continue to grow in the Lord and pursue Him amidst the noise and distractions of this life and grow into men God has called u guys to be.

The night was bittersweet and it wasnt about the desserts. Got a call from a friend that my dear bro Paul Wee's dad passed away. Sigh. Reminds me that life is short and our days are really numbered and that we need to take time to treasure and appreciate the people God has placed around us and to make this life count for eternity. Adios uncle, it was good to know you through my growing years.

Friday, July 06, 2007


Read the chunk of Eph 3:14-19 today and its Paul's prayer for the Ephesian Church. its a very powerful prayer and reflects Paul's understanding and intimacy of God and his desire for the Ephesians to achieve likewise.

Eph 3:19
"May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God." - NLT

"...and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." - TNIV

Read together v19 offers a very exciting prospect, that as we experience and come to understand more of Christ's love, which we will never fully understand, then we will be filled and made complete with ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD, ie the completeness of His Being. Amazing!

I thank God for this insight as ive been feeling rather lonely and empty and this is timely. Lord help to know You and the extent of Your love that i might find completeness in the fullness of Your Being.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Jehovah Rapha

Well ive finally got something i wanna blog about putting a stop to the haitus. Well there are a number of other stuff i want to blog about to but i havent really gotten down to doing it, like Vesak Day dinner (definitely no-vegan) at Ervina's house, Batam and DnD. Oh well ill get ot those one day, someday, i hope.

So wat i really set out to blog about is God my healer. If you know it all started with Batam, with me losing my phone and my health. The heat was crazy man and I came back sick. Not the stay in bed sick but the "i look ok but got sick feeling" sick. Well on the bright side i worked half day on mon and wed and got tues off. In between i managed to catch 2 movies; Shrek 3 which was rather good and the dismal Nancy Drew, which by the way we should really have crossed over to watch Fantastic 4 midway, it was seriously doomed from the point the "ghost" came on.And when i went to see the doc on tues it was in the worse possible clinic ever and he was totally bochap and unprofessional man. Assumed i didnt want an mc. Fren if your reading this, people see the doctor for and MC and not the cheap generic medicine yeah.

Ok sorry to digress but back to God my healer. So i sniffed, coughed and suffered a bad throat the whole week. It was miserable man. And through the ordeal i never really thought to pray. I guess ive always struggled with the fact that God wouldnt answer my insignificant prayer of healing and so i just didnt bother. it wasnt till sunday that i realised i kinda left God out of my life and that i really should have involved him in not just my sickness but also in my life. And so i prayed and finally asked God for healing and apologised for doubting Him. Well the good news is that im well and sprightly again haha, wat a difference a little faith makes. Always thought i had great faith and that my faith in God was rock solid. Well this taught me otherwise

Thank you Lord for healin lil ol me. hallelujah!