Monday, July 02, 2007

Jehovah Rapha

Well ive finally got something i wanna blog about putting a stop to the haitus. Well there are a number of other stuff i want to blog about to but i havent really gotten down to doing it, like Vesak Day dinner (definitely no-vegan) at Ervina's house, Batam and DnD. Oh well ill get ot those one day, someday, i hope.

So wat i really set out to blog about is God my healer. If you know it all started with Batam, with me losing my phone and my health. The heat was crazy man and I came back sick. Not the stay in bed sick but the "i look ok but got sick feeling" sick. Well on the bright side i worked half day on mon and wed and got tues off. In between i managed to catch 2 movies; Shrek 3 which was rather good and the dismal Nancy Drew, which by the way we should really have crossed over to watch Fantastic 4 midway, it was seriously doomed from the point the "ghost" came on.And when i went to see the doc on tues it was in the worse possible clinic ever and he was totally bochap and unprofessional man. Assumed i didnt want an mc. Fren if your reading this, people see the doctor for and MC and not the cheap generic medicine yeah.

Ok sorry to digress but back to God my healer. So i sniffed, coughed and suffered a bad throat the whole week. It was miserable man. And through the ordeal i never really thought to pray. I guess ive always struggled with the fact that God wouldnt answer my insignificant prayer of healing and so i just didnt bother. it wasnt till sunday that i realised i kinda left God out of my life and that i really should have involved him in not just my sickness but also in my life. And so i prayed and finally asked God for healing and apologised for doubting Him. Well the good news is that im well and sprightly again haha, wat a difference a little faith makes. Always thought i had great faith and that my faith in God was rock solid. Well this taught me otherwise

Thank you Lord for healin lil ol me. hallelujah!

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