Monday, July 16, 2007

Honouring Parents

I guess my realtionship with my parents like most others has its fair share of ups and downs. Sometimes home gets plain unliveable when i clash with my folks. There are days when im so thankful for them and on others i really feel like moving out and asserting my independence. But i guess at the end of the day we do love each other much and like Paul says love covers over a multitude of wrongs.

Today i was challenged to respond during youth service on making a commitment to honour my parents. As i did so, God began to heal my pain and hurts that had accumulated over the years and i feel a great sense of liberation and peace. I guess this goes down as one of the great things God has done in my life as the emotional and spiritual work that God today did was so deep and complete. I truly thank God for today and giving my a fresh perspective on how to approach my relationship with my parents.

But over and above this, i hear God's desire for me to strengthen my relationship with Him as ive been to caught up with everything else. I sense God reminding me that my ministry doesnt matter to Him if we arent close, that the being is more important than the doing. Its something im learning to do and i hope that in the days to come my walk with him and my understanding of him will deepen.

Am going to take the next week or two to pause and reflect on the past half in preparation for the second. Theres so much i wish and want to do, but somehow i cant seem to get around to doing it right, especially in the area of RL-ing. Am alsoe reevaluating my service next year and Im praying for direction and opening in the area of establishing a form of Christian education/leadership training structure in RAGE, to build and equip a new generation of leaders. We shall see where God leads then.

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