Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How Now Should I live

Read the epistle of Philippians today and somehow there seems to be a common thread amongst all of em epistles on the goal of life - that God desires us to be conformed to the likeness of Christ. That when the believer realises the mercy, grace and extent of the love of God, then he will be moved to ask "How now should I live?"

Philippians talks about imitating Christ in attitude as opposed to false religiosity and it's truly a high calling. Again Paul exhorts the Philippians to "conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ", highlighting the transforming power of the gospel. I guess it takes the gospel to a level of greater appreciation in my life, over and above the four spiritual laws or Bridge to Life. It really is God's desire to redeem this fallen world.

So why are we saved? Well really it is to grow more and more to be like Christ and to labour for the cause of this gospel as God's plan for the redemption humanity.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Calling

I'm currently reading the epistle of Ephesians for 2 days already and it has been an awesome experience. Learnt to read the entire epistle at one go to understand its whole and to bear the intent of the author and the issues beset by the recpients to get a fuller understanding. The Holy Spirit has been giving me revelation after revelation and it just goes so deep into my inner man. Truly the Word of God is living and active!

A main focus of the epistle is calling and i've been mulling over this term; what is the calling of every believer? In the past I used to associate it with God's will for our lives, like "my calling is to Africa." Well thats more of a specific will of God, but in the Bible (with my limited understanding), it seems calling just simply refers to God calling us out of this world and into salvation, to live as aliens and strangers in this world, with the ultimate purpose of proclaiming praise of His glory and grace (c.f 1 Peter 2). And Paul elaborates both here and in other epistles, like Romans, on how great the mystery of the gospel that has been revealed, that God predestined befor all of eternity that we are to be adopted as sons and conformed to the likeness of His son, that is the will of God (c.f Romans 8).

So this begets the question, "how now should we live?" the answer is to live lives "worthy of the calling." 

Will be mulling more and I'll try to post more stuff that I learn. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Soul Satisfaction

I've been struggling alot for the past few weeks with finding my sole satisfaction in Christ alone. For most parts I've acknowledged this fact cognitively, yet I find it so hard to really come to God for satisfaction, most often choosing to find pleasure in food, games, activities, accomplishments etc. It's a battle that is most wearisome but yet I know I must persevere, for all other pleasure have proved illusory and less than satisfying. 

Over this weekend, hearing Bonke and Ronald speak, I marvel at the message of the gospel at its simplicity and foolishness to the world. The gospel just states that I am a sinner from birth and in my present course I am unable to do any good because I am trapped in my sinful (Romans 3:23) and wreteched state and am on a course bound for destruction (Romans 6:23). But God so loved the world (John 3:16) and wants all men to be saved (1 Tim 2:4-5) that He sent Jesus to die as punishment for our sins to fulfil His righteous requirement (Rom 3:25). Now that the act of atonement is finished, whoever believes in Him, dies like Christ to the sinful nature and is raised to a new life in Christ (Rom 6:4). Our nature is changed from sinful to righteous (Rom 8:9-11). So now when we sin, it is an anomaly rather than the norm and we are in the process of being transformed from glory to glory all the while hoping and awaiting the final day when we are glorified with Him (Rom 8:23-25). What a privilege and blessing to be able to share in this life with Christ!

Help me Lord to share your gospel and let not fear or shame deter me.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Woke up this morning to a feeling I haven't had in awhile. The feeling of unbridled joy and a lack of the pressures and load of circumstances that have been weighing me down. It feels so good and such a relief to just be able to look forward into the day with anticipation and joy.

The release came in the midst of the 3rd song at last night's rally, when I just felt God's presence come over me and overwhelm me. I just sat down and wept like there were multiple implosions within my spirit man, like a parched soul drinking water after a long long time. God just unloaded all my fears, frustrations and sadness. 

Been feeling like all this while, I'm just living for others and I'm giving up so much to stay at home, doing ministry etc and though I know it matters, I just felt so boxed in, so weary of it all. Worse still I know that I'm just not able to rebel and throw it all off and just live my own selfish life but yet so torn within. And so I've been trudging on and ambling by bit by bit, dying slowly within and just coming to the end of myself. Until God broke through.

The release was just a reminder that nothing can ever satisfy or be the solution apart from Christ. That in my weakness, His strength is made perfect. And so I learnt once again how feeble I am and how magnificent God is and I am truly grateful and in awe of His grace and mercy. It both elevates and humbles and truly there is nothing good in me apart from Christ. 

In this season, I'm still in the wilderness, without clear direction and drive and i've leanrt to trust that nothing can seperate me from God's love and to continue to faithfully seek and abide in spite of the seemingly lack of stuff to do. It's a time of being and I'm learning to bide quietly in the Master's presence.

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Chef




Spent time over at Jean's on Sat and we decided to prepare a simple meal of Sushi, Cha Soba and Roast Chicken with a homemade tomato mushroom sauce. That's her cooking the sauce haha. Had great fun just doing stuff together and cooking. Went out after and the last pic was of us at 3 am at Tiong Bahru Macs, half dead from fatigue while waiting for her bro to come by haha. A great Saturday indeed.