Tuesday, May 27, 2008

APIC Part II: Up on the 69th

Well the long day is finally over and im now resting in my suite haha. Took some pictures of it, just for the heck of it. I'll probably be clearing emails and finishing up some urgent work before i hit the sack, waking at 6 for the next day of coordination.

Looking back, today went rather smoothly and I was strung out on caffiene, adrenaline and now after the cocktail dinner alcohol haha. The dinner started rather sian cause I didn't know anyone at all. However as the night wore on, the guests began to leave and there were more opportunities to talk to colleagues whom i never had the chance to talk to back in the office. Met some overseas colleagues too. So it was a good mingle and the champagne was a plus haha. In all everyone was really happy with the cocktail dinner and it was a resounding success.

Due to the busy-ness, I've been struggling with my walk with God. Found myseld often lost in the humdrum and needing to say short prayers just to get back on track. I thank God for His sustenance and strength that has kept me going till now.

In all, its been a great experience today and it certainly adds some spice to the normal routine office life. Leave you all with the pictures from and in my room. Tata.






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