Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Pursuit of Happiness

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

This phrase came to mind in service this morning and it is by far the most famous and familiar historical expression found in the American Declaration of Independence. Over the years, it's original intent and meaning, espoused by the Founding Fathers, has been lost and distorted into a justification for the pursuit of hedonism by means of wealth, lifestyle, upward mobility etc. 

What they meant was that happiness was not a means to an end but the end in itself, not mere pleasure or wealth. It thus requires the distinction between an imaginary form of happiness and the most perfect and good form of happiness. And all of us are in some form or another pursuing it, and this could be in the form or wealth, sensual pleasure, status, power; wishfully thinking that it is attainable once the requisite level has been achieved. Often than nought, such happiness is illusory and momentary and I would be so bold as to assert that the ultimate sense of happiness can only be found in the good and perfect God.

Throughout the week while I was on course, I felt this gaping hole in my being, that nothing seemed to fill. All the socialising, the achievements, the fun and all couldn't satisfy and I felt oh so empty. Initially I attributed it to loneliness in a foreign land, but as I reflected, I realised I had neglected God due to my schedule and busyness. Day after day the emptiness was compounded and it wasn't until I worshipped this morning that his light shown through and I could feel His presence all over again. Truly apart from Christ I am nothing.Everything else at that point just didn't matter anymore and I realised that it is only in God that true peace and happiness can be attained.

More often than nought, my disappointments in life have been due to pursuing and settling for a substandard happiness that have proven time and again to be unsatisfactory and detrimental. I guess it is a timely reminder for me to truly set my sights and desire for the greatest good - God Himself and to pursue it all the days of my life.

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