Friday, October 10, 2008

A Semblance of Normalcy

Its been more than a month since Mom was hosptialised and shes now recuperating at home. Shes made a whole lot of progress and can smile, move her left limbs, move my head to her for her to kiss me and its really a miracle that shes reached thus far. Indeed God has been so close and it has been a journey of faith, driven by an utter sense of despondency requiring absolute dependency.

I'm back to work and time off is a rarity now. But I think work helps break the monotony and helps with the caregiver stress. I don't really do much and sometimes its hard being there all the time, but its teaching me to care and love others.

Besides all these, theres a friendship that I'm most thankful for, you know who you are haha and its has been awesome thus far :):)

So life is far from normal and when people ask hows life, I tell them it's rich. There so many things I'm experiencing and learning with God moulding and shaping my inner man. Truly the Christian life is one of purpose and meaning and I wouldn't trade it for anyting else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey lionel, just want you to know that we are thinking of you and will be remembering you and your family in our prayers. do take care. and we will talk soon again. love, ervina/cs