Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Work has been good thus far, though not terribly exciting, Ive been able to deal with whatever comes my way and its really because each morning I wake and realise I really do not know how im going to surmount the challenges fo the day and come to God for strength and wisdom. Time after time, He has seen me through and slowly the fear and apprehension I once felt each Sunday as the week loomed slowly dissipates.

A big struggle I have is the inertia and laziness to guard my heart and Ive realised that my heart naturally tends to slip away if I don't do anything about it. Woke this morning feeling rather distant and its time I reoriented my soul back to God and to discipline my life once again. Need to cut out the things that distract, exercise and eat healthily and rest well haha. ALso Ive realised theres a fine line between sharing my unhappiness and complaining on and on and it eats me up within. Its been awhile since I thanked God for everything and to acknowledge His goodness in my life. Sheesh.

Tomorrow I'm taking half a day off to have lunch with Joey, and its been awhile since we caught up bro. Gonna do some grocery shopping and cook a nice dinner for Dad since its his birthday and my telecon call tonight got cancelled haha woot!

Ok break over. Back to productive labour.

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