Wednesday, September 03, 2008

What For?

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

At the close of the day I wonder why did all this happen? What does God have in mind right now? I do not have the answers to the questions, only His reassurance through the day. From deep within I hear his voice saying she'll pull through and that if I, her son am concerned, what more Him as her heavenly Father. So with that I'm assured that our Father has her interests at heart and He's gonna see her through.

Today I started the day with the notion that if God heals thats great but if my mom goes thats also ok. I guess at the end of today, its changed a little. I have yielded the outcome to Him but I shall press in earnestly to knock on heaven's doors for my mom's healing. To be persistent in prayer and to seek His will. I believe by faith that He can heal my mom and I shall not let it go without prayer. So I really thank God for everyone who has come by today and prayed and lent their support. It was really great and comforting.

I went into her room this the morning, all I could do was tell my Ma that I love her and am here. Then I just worshiped and prayed there and the presence of God just surrounded and filled me through and through that I just wept in joy and gladness, in the midst of the longing and pain. Another memorable instance was when we reached home and I just hugged my dad and I cried on his shoulder and we just comforted and assured each other. Father and son don't normally share or connect deep, but this has brought us so very close to the point where we acknowledge that we're gonna have to look out for each other from now on.

Irrespective of the outcome, there's one thing I hope so much besides my mom's recovery and that's to see my extended family saved. They're all very shaken by this and I hope that they see the brevity and frailty of life, which is like a vapor or a flower here today and gone tomorrow. I pray that they will come to see the beauty and love of God through this situation and I'm praying that the power of God can be shown through my mom's healing. May they come to know Christ and the real life that He has to offer. Do pray that I'll be able to speak to them and share the gospel to them with boldness, love and urgency.

So i'll be turning in now and we'll be going in early to try and catch the doc to find out more.


matt said...

Thought that this song by Matt Redman would be very encouraging.

anxiety addict said...

praying for you and your family. I believe our loving Father will bring you through this difficult time, and His glory will be seen. hang in there bro.

amanda yow