Thursday, July 17, 2008

Where Do I Go From Here

I've struggled abit with respect to my job and the direction I'm supposed to take. All this while, I've never really enjoyed Finance and have seen my current job as a stepping stone, moving thereafter to a commercial job. Reasons abound and a few include challenge, interest and prospects.

Last week, my boss gave me news that my current role would be for 2-2.5 years and that I'd have to do 2 rotations in Finance. I was floored and couldn't imagine 2 terms in such a function. I wanted to tell her there and then that they'd better let me have my way or I'd throw in the towel. Well of course I didn't do that but it did leave me feeling awfully worked up.

I decided to seek God over the weekend to determine His direction in all this and to not do anything rash. The more I wrestled, laying down my arguments for having my way, I felt God's leading to let it slide and to accept HR's policy for me. It was with great reluctance before I yielded and to remain where I am and be content.

With that decision made, I feel a sense of peace and assurance that this is where I'm supposed to be. Furthermore, by resolving the desire to move out of Finance, I'm beginning to see my job in a different light as I begin to do the best where I am. No more whining about how I could be somewhere better but to start living where I am. So now I've resolved to give my 100% and very best for His Glory not mine.

I've pondered over the question of what actually drives me at work? I know the usual money and promotions do not have much lure and I lack a natural interest in the job. I can only press on with the knowledge that what I do is worship (thanks for the reminder Es) and whether I eat or drink I do it for the glory of God. My desire is to be a witness and to be effective, and not let the quality of my work affect this. So from tomorrow, I'll trust in Him who has led me thus far, to lead me on with purpose and joy.

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