Friday, December 07, 2007

The Hols Begin

Am almost a week into my hols and im enjoying the pace. Hung out at Settlers with Sam, Hoho and HCH and had a ball tho i think they are really smart cause i keep losing at the games haha. When I was young hur hur, games were much simpler, and winning was simply determined by the throw of your die or acquiring a hotel on Queen Astrid Park. These days one has to factor in permutations and various strategies and change tack with alacrity lest on gets stranded like yours truly. Truly enjoy hanging out and I love you guys. Its my prayer that you all will develop into men of God, acquiring wisdom and understanding and totally sold out for Christ.

Been reading Teaching to Change Lives in preparation for the CMs training this saturday. Its a really good book and i wish i had chanced upon its lessons much earlier. It has really opened my eyes to the essence of teaching and how inadequate and needy i am with respect to this area. I've never though of myself as a good teacher, and this book has served to reinforce that. But whats great is that it says that this awareness of need and inadequacy is the basis for hunger, the intrinsic motivation that will drive learning and developing. It is with such a desire that i am reading this book , to gain insight on how i can be a better teacher. I look back and see a failed teaching experience, mostly under prepared and unstimulating without the heart and not knowing waht to do to change things. however, I also know, that without that miserable experience, I doubt id have been able to appreciate the importance of teaching and the potential it has to impact a generation with the Word of God. It has laid the foundation for a desire to do better, to learn more and to impart into others. I hope that I'll be able to communicate a fraction of what the book holds and to excite the CMs and challenge them to "feed my sheep".

December is gonna come and go with a chockful of program and activity. Got Rhema, my KL trip, Leader's Retreat, yearbook design, dinners to cook for and attend. It'll be a eventful month indeed.

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