Sunday, April 29, 2007


Youth service today was special. It was a time of brokeness.

I've always wondered why the altar is so powerful and why God's presence is so strong at the altar and I guess Pron kinda sumed it up that when we respond in brokeness and acknowledge our need for Him then we are somehow drawn into a deep and intimate fellowship.

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." (Rev 3:20)

Looking back, I really cant remember the last time i responded to an altar call. It has been THAT long haha. Today when the call was given, i really struggled. Several things holding me back were feelings of insecurity of how others might perceive me (zhang lao responding in youth hyak hyak), pride that ive resloved all my issues wrt the breakup, and a desire to pray for others. In the space of a minute or so, i had to resolve these feelings and my true state. And so i went for it and it was as if a dam broke and i was overwhelmed by the presence of God. It was a time of brokeness, healing and restoration, and rather messy haha (reminds me of Ps Doug's descriptions)

It was also heartwarming to see the youths responding and ackowledging their need for God and i believe by faith that a change is underway and there is an undercurrent of revival flowing. We are seeing the results of the prayers of the saints as God moves to shake RAGE up and restore fellowship and power. It has encouraged me to keep on interceeding and serving with purpose and passion.

So as this week beckons, I want to know my Lord more and to become more and more like Him, even if it means blurried eye half past six prayers haha whoo hoo.


Anonymous said...

Amen! God shall do mighty things in R-AGE when we r willing to humble ourselves. Bro, it was a blessing (not a disgrace) to see u at the altar. We lose ourselves so as to gain more of Him :)

-1 of the ROTBHS-

lionel said...

hmm i wonder who this is? glad ure reading and I app the encouragement. Not bad man im on my thrid post haha.

Anonymous said...

HAHA lionel u know who tt is lor. because one of us was not there. :)

Anonymous said...

LIONEL SO FAKE! ahahahha