Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do You Love Me?

I felt Jesus asking me this morning "do you love me?" and as Isaiah's cry in chapter 64 resonates with my Spirit:

"We've sinned and kept at it so long!
Is there any hope for us? Can we be saved?
We're all sin-infected, sin-contaminated.
Our best efforts are grease-stained rags.
We dry up like autumn leaves—
sin-dried, we're blown off by the wind.
No one prays to you
or makes the effort to reach out to you
Because you've turned away from us,
left us to stew in our sins.
Still, God, you are our Father.
We're the clay and you're our potter:
All of us are what you made us.
Don't be too angry with us, O God.
Don't keep a permanent account of wrongdoing.
Keep in mind, please, we are your people—all of us."

In contrast to His love for me, my devotion pales in comparison. Be patient with me and make my heart burn for you with undivided passion.

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