Sunday, March 08, 2009

Almost New Speakers

Today I set up the Creative T20 speakers my uncle gave me. Was looking forward to to a new aural experience as I'm finding my current speakers somewhat muddy. Alas when it was all set up there was a hiss emanating from the left speaker. What made it worse was that the speakers sounded sooooo good haha. Music was so crisp and clear. Wasted man. Oh well, so I just plugged it out and settled for my old trusty speakers.

Sorry if anyone read this and thought it would be some interesting post only to realise it's just me whining on my speakers haha.

This season is pretty slow, not dry tho. Learning to explore the depths of my thirsty heart and to pursue God for the ultimate source of satisfaction and pleasure, that my appetite for pleasure might be raised to new heights, such that the lesser and corrupted pleasures will hold me no longer.

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