Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Greatest Fear

This year's theme is worship and the sermons on it have made an impact. Learnt that worship is about lifestyle, not songs and at its essence its making God the only God in our lives. As we journey through there will be antichrists (things/people/teachings that strive to take the place of Christ) and it will be a daily battle to crucify my flesh and take up my cross and follow Him. Which leads me to my greatest fear - that I will succumb to my shadow mission.

Over the past year, God has been revealing more about my calling and purpose and depositing His vision for my life in me. And great things and an abundant life are in store, only if I will obey Him and make Him the only Lord in my life. However, on the flip side I have a shadow mission - the mission that sets itself up against what God has intended for me.

My shadow mission, and my greatest fear is that I will submit to the lure of money, sex and power, all of which are good things, but when pursued as ends in themselves, threaten to derail and corrupt my holy calling. At various points in my life, I've fallen prey and have witnessed their debilitating effect on my life and faith.

So as I journey on, I think this is a good fear to embrace to always remind me of my frailty and how I need to be renewed daily and to choose to worship God and Him alone. So as in the words of Paul,

"I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified."

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