Sunday, April 06, 2008

Morning at Lab

Somehow was rather tired last night after dinner and I realised I was supposed to teach cell this morning, since its the first Sunday haha. Decide to turn in early and wake up to prep.

Got up at an unearthly 0545, packed a few dollars and my Gideon NT Bible and pushed my bike out the door. It was a chilly morning and the roads were empty. Made my way to the ol' Hawker Center at Lab and picked up nasi lemak ikan and teh ping. Headed on to Tanjung Belayer Plaza (The wooden deck) and had a good breakfast with God while the day broke. Spent time worshiping and pulled out my Gideon to read Luke 8 and 9 for today's lesson. It was a really refreshing morning, a good way to begin the Sabbath.

I'm still struggling on street E later, haven't really decided haha, its never been high on my list. But I might just have to suck it up. I'll get back to lesson prep now.

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