Thursday, January 03, 2008

Second Day

Im working as a financial analyst in Shell Chemicals. But i think the name is a misnomer as there really isnt much analysis involved at my level haha. I fele like a automaton.

Well today marks my 2nd day on the job and it has been great thus far. Let me start by describing my workspace. its a nice big cubicle with ample storage space (think contrast big 4 haha). Everyone gets a sweet Herman Miller Aeron chair and it really makes the job comfy haha. For my computer i got a crummy ol HP leightweight laptop. The cool thing about it is that i can dock it and use a monitor, mouse and keyboard config in the office, and undock the laptop to bring it home after work. Its part of their mobile office plan and also business continuity plan which requires you to work from home in the event of a disruption at office. I get to claim for broadband too haha. Beats the Big 4 anytime man!

The job is pretty routine and im trying hard to be positive about it. I don't really like repetitive stuff. I like projects haha. maybe ill keep that in mind for my next posting. For the uninitiated, i'm a management accountant and i prepare figures for management as opposed to accountants/controllers who prepare figures for external users. So my job requires me to collate numbers from various sources on numerous items and generate spreadsheets to be sent up to management. I also prepare budgets and calculate transfer pricing for intragroup transactions. So thats my job in a nutshell.

Special mention goes to my boss and buddy. I work in a team of 6 people including me and 2 are based in thailand and japan. Im due to replace one girl. So in March the singapore team will comprise of my boss, my buddy and me. Nice and tight. Glad that my boss and buddy are Christians and it really reflects in the way they do things and all. My boss rawks! He is incredibly knowlegeble, humble and ready to teach. Everyone in the office ive spoken to has commented that hes a great boss and im really thankful for that.

In all the job is a good learning experience and also training for me. I dun think its my knida job actually cause it deals alot with numbers, routine work and requires me to be very very meticulous haha. All of which im averse to. But i hope to use this opportunity to develop these areas im weak in and to grow through this job. So its gonna be an interesting journey and im pretty much looking forward to it.