I'm currently reading the epistle of Ephesians for 2 days already and it has been an awesome experience. Learnt to read the entire epistle at one go to understand its whole and to bear the intent of the author and the issues beset by the recpients to get a fuller understanding. The Holy Spirit has been giving me revelation after revelation and it just goes so deep into my inner man. Truly the Word of God is living and active!
A main focus of the epistle is calling and i've been mulling over this term; what is the calling of every believer? In the past I used to associate it with God's will for our lives, like "my calling is to Africa." Well thats more of a specific will of God, but in the Bible (with my limited understanding), it seems calling just simply refers to God calling us out of this world and into salvation, to live as aliens and strangers in this world, with the ultimate purpose of proclaiming praise of His glory and grace (c.f 1 Peter 2). And Paul elaborates both here and in other epistles, like Romans, on how great the mystery of the gospel that has been revealed, that God predestined befor all of eternity that we are to be adopted as sons and conformed to the likeness of His son, that is the will of God (c.f Romans 8).
So this begets the question, "how now should we live?" the answer is to live lives "worthy of the calling."
Will be mulling more and I'll try to post more stuff that I learn.
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