Sunday, November 02, 2008

Dads and Dads to Be

When I watched this video, I recalled my growing years and how Dad played a pivotal role in my life. He wasn't perfect and I picked up both the good and the bad. But he was there for me and showed me what being a man was about. I wondered if my Dad could have been better, but I know he was the best he could be. Of all the roles, the most pivotal was that he mirrored, albeit poorly the love of my Father in heaven, who is perfect in every way.

In the same way, I am challenged to be the man God has called me to be now as the youths are watching and later on in my family for my kids, that in all things, the love of the Father might be reflected in me. For the men out there, may we embrace God's call to living a life of integrity, love, courage and humility for His glory.

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