Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why Don't U Got to Church

As I watched this video, it broke my heart and stirred within me a desire to reach the lost. Not to force dogma or religion on others, but to hear them out and understand the issues and needs they face and somehow show them who Jesus is?

I've been considering full time ministry and I'm really afraid that its just a form of escapism from the world's system. We're called to be full time Christians whether or not we work in Church and to reach the lost. If I'm currently not as effective as I'd like to be in where I am now and completely discontented, then what difference would it make if I went into full time? Isn't the bulk of the lost out there in the marketplace and not in a Church? Its just a blunt and honest reflection and I'm really really giving this alot of thought as to where I can be most effective.

Watching this video makes me cringe and leaves me sad that sometimes the Church has missed the mark. Have we focused more on theatrics and fancy buildings and attendance than real spiritual transformation and being a shining light in this dark world. I stand convicted and guilty and I repent of my apathy and lack of love for others. Even as I reflect, I pray that Rhema will not be one fancy circus with lights and fog machines but yet we miss the point that its all about meeting God. Sigh.

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