Tuesday, October 28, 2008

KTM Supper



Was at KTM on Deepavali Eve. Obviously we were high on teh and doing crazy stuff on Malaysian land haha.

Thursday, October 23, 2008



Was going through my hard drive and I came across these pics and decided to learn how to string em together in an animated gif. Realised Imageready and Vista are so not compatible. At least I managed to get something out haha.

This is dedicated to you boys who have grown and are on the threshold of becoming men. It was a great time and I thank God for bring you all into my life and using imperfect me to make a difference in your lives. It was swell, looking back haha. Too many Macs breakfasts too lol.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why Don't U Got to Church

As I watched this video, it broke my heart and stirred within me a desire to reach the lost. Not to force dogma or religion on others, but to hear them out and understand the issues and needs they face and somehow show them who Jesus is?

I've been considering full time ministry and I'm really afraid that its just a form of escapism from the world's system. We're called to be full time Christians whether or not we work in Church and to reach the lost. If I'm currently not as effective as I'd like to be in where I am now and completely discontented, then what difference would it make if I went into full time? Isn't the bulk of the lost out there in the marketplace and not in a Church? Its just a blunt and honest reflection and I'm really really giving this alot of thought as to where I can be most effective.

Watching this video makes me cringe and leaves me sad that sometimes the Church has missed the mark. Have we focused more on theatrics and fancy buildings and attendance than real spiritual transformation and being a shining light in this dark world. I stand convicted and guilty and I repent of my apathy and lack of love for others. Even as I reflect, I pray that Rhema will not be one fancy circus with lights and fog machines but yet we miss the point that its all about meeting God. Sigh.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Work has been good thus far, though not terribly exciting, Ive been able to deal with whatever comes my way and its really because each morning I wake and realise I really do not know how im going to surmount the challenges fo the day and come to God for strength and wisdom. Time after time, He has seen me through and slowly the fear and apprehension I once felt each Sunday as the week loomed slowly dissipates.

A big struggle I have is the inertia and laziness to guard my heart and Ive realised that my heart naturally tends to slip away if I don't do anything about it. Woke this morning feeling rather distant and its time I reoriented my soul back to God and to discipline my life once again. Need to cut out the things that distract, exercise and eat healthily and rest well haha. ALso Ive realised theres a fine line between sharing my unhappiness and complaining on and on and it eats me up within. Its been awhile since I thanked God for everything and to acknowledge His goodness in my life. Sheesh.

Tomorrow I'm taking half a day off to have lunch with Joey, and its been awhile since we caught up bro. Gonna do some grocery shopping and cook a nice dinner for Dad since its his birthday and my telecon call tonight got cancelled haha woot!

Ok break over. Back to productive labour.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Semblance of Normalcy

Its been more than a month since Mom was hosptialised and shes now recuperating at home. Shes made a whole lot of progress and can smile, move her left limbs, move my head to her for her to kiss me and its really a miracle that shes reached thus far. Indeed God has been so close and it has been a journey of faith, driven by an utter sense of despondency requiring absolute dependency.

I'm back to work and time off is a rarity now. But I think work helps break the monotony and helps with the caregiver stress. I don't really do much and sometimes its hard being there all the time, but its teaching me to care and love others.

Besides all these, theres a friendship that I'm most thankful for, you know who you are haha and its has been awesome thus far :):)

So life is far from normal and when people ask hows life, I tell them it's rich. There so many things I'm experiencing and learning with God moulding and shaping my inner man. Truly the Christian life is one of purpose and meaning and I wouldn't trade it for anyting else.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Our Security

I really do not know what lies on the road ahead and it seems wrought with challenges, yet with promises of joy and celebration and I guess thats really what life is about. But what's different is the knowledge that through the ups and downs, Christ is the focus and my life is continually transformed daily and that my security, my all is in Him. And at times when I feel that I'm totally powerless to affect any change, I am reminded that I need to cultivate a dependency on Him, to be plugged into the vine that gives life abundantly.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. So I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them with my fiery anger, bringing down on their own heads all they have done, declares the Sovereign LORD."