Monday, January 14, 2008

My First Biz Trip


Im fresh outta school and a couple of weeks into the new job and me boss has decided to send me over to KL and this will be my first business trip. Well its exciting, tho its ONLY KL haha, but it does has a sense of importance to it haha. But besides that I'm thankful for whatever opportunities that come my way and the chance to sample new experiences. The purpose of this trip is to build rapport with the KL folks whom i'll have to work closely with and to gain a firsthand understanding of their operations. So ill be away this Thursday and Friday.

My job doesnt involve much travelling and only the senior peeps really get to go to the nice places like UK and US, so better treasure these opportunities haha woot.

1 comment:

Jeremiah Ng said...

wah business trip. sounds realllly important