Saturday, December 01, 2007


Today i unofficially graduate and this marks the culmination of 16 years of formal education. Goh Keng Swee and Tharman must be proud that im a successful product of their system. Well I want to give all glory to God because He has made this possible and it is indeed a privilege. Oh what elation fills my being! The feeling's kinda surreal but its beginning to die down gradually haha.

Today's AFA paper was surprisingly doable, although im not too certain on the results. its the only module that had me feeling insecure and overwhelmed throughout my SMU life. Machum like the final big boss stage. Great that its cleared haha.

So whats to do now that its all over? Well Im looking forward to Dec to chill, have fun and get a change of activities. So heres farewell academia and helloooo life!

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