Friday, August 03, 2007


Today is a milestone.

My internship ends and life begins hahaha.

Things I'm gonna do:
1. crabbing - gonna use stinky fish heads to catch flower crabs. if the catch is good, tmr will be a crab breakfast.mmm cant wait

2. Perhentian - islands off the coast of Trengannu(further up from Redang). Island paradise. gonna be a retreat to read Knowing God(and try not to konk out) and meditate. Might get distracted with the snorkelling, beaching etc etc.

3. X-Roads - will be down for a week to see wat i can do. Pron wants to plan a guys day so we'll see wat turns up.

4. Cambodia - leaving the first week of school for indochina. heard its a gruesome and sad place. luckily my hotel has a nice pool. densensitivity. but i like indochina. gonna end of in Saigon which btw will be my third trip.

Things I want to do/should get down to doing:
1. Photography - my camera is sitting around doing nuthing. at least it isnt collecting dust in my drybox. argh the inertia.

2. think of something to fill in blanks 2-5.

3. TBA

4. TBA


TBA- to be announced

Random grouse:
1. Malaysia - went to KTM this morning to buy my train tickets to JB for monday's trip up north. Was told u can only buy tickets one day in advance. argh wat sorta dumb system in the world issit man??? oh, its malaysian. hahahahhaa

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